1. Fund application and Management for the Ministry of Education (MOE). 2. University Evaluation. 3. Teachers Performance Appraisal. 4. Middle range school development plan. 5. Managing the Office’s budget. 6. Update and maintain the division website. 7. Assisting Dean Lin of the ORD with itinerary and various business.2202
1. Affairs related to projects funded by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). 2. Affairs related to projects funded by other government organizations. 3. Managing the matching grants of research projects.2212
1.Fund application and Management for the Ministry of Education (MOE). 2.Managing teacher laboratories.2205
1. Affairs related to the teaching practice research program of the Ministry of Education (MOE). 2. Reward for teachers to publish research results in excellent journals. 3. Handle matters regarding rewards for academic papers and books published by full-time teachers of the school. 4. Fill in the basic database of school affairs of the Ministry of Education (Table 1-11 Teachers’ published books (including chapters) and other works, Table 1-8 Teachers’ project projects undertaken by government departments).2201
1. Managing the affairs of student research contests. 2. Managing fundings and financial support for faculties for attending international conferences. 3. Managing property and space in the office of R&D. 4. Managing conference papers. 5. Managing the affairs of academic research ethics.2204